Biodiversity ambassadors

Be part of our community from wherever you are

From your passion for biodiversity, your area of expertise and the place where you are, you can manage your support to the sustainable development of the ecological reserve. Be part of our 1TP3Biodiversity Ambassadors community:


Categories Description How?
Scientific ambassadors You contribute to the research of species in the reserve and share your findings. You hire the facilities and logistics to facilitate your or your team's field work.

You tell us about your findings to help us protect species.

Promoter ambassadors Do you recommend our facilities to groups? You recommend and coordinate the arrival of groups of: conscious tourism, volunteers or specific projects (workshops, trainings) that hire the logistics and facilities of the reserve.

(From 5 persons)

Donor ambassadors 1. Adopt a species: See table/Fauna-Flora
2. Co-fund a project: Donations for specific projects: 

  • forest nursery
  • environmental education
  • arts and communication
3. Support the equipment of the reserve: Materials and equipment:

binoculars (10), semi-professional camera (1), magnifying glasses (10), brushes (15).

Tools and utensils: brushes (10), gloves, shovels, hoes, rakes, machetes.
